Saturday, March 12, 2011

MG 1/100 MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam

Here is Kamille Bidan's MS from the Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta series. From what I read on the Net, Kamille is currently considered to be the most powerful Newtype pilot.

After I watched the MSG Zeta, I loved the MS design, particularly the head. The mouthplate differs from the standard Gundam mouthplate, and yet the head still have a Gundam feel to it.

Contents of the kit
Forgot how may runners are there, but they are plenty.

Ooops... I accidentally erased the panel line in the mouthplate...:)) I like the design of the head, especially the details.

Construction of the body differs from the standard MG, as it requires you to put in the head during assembly. It also differs due to it being a transformable MS.

Nothing worth noting here, just your standard arms. Being a ver. 2.0, you get semi-articulated hands, which you can simply modify to have seperate fingers.

The waist sports unusual joints that will be used in transforming the MS to its Waverider mode. Otherwise, its a plain waist.

Here lies the sophistication to this model, having a different knee joint. The legs houses the thrusters in the Waverider mode. Ditched the sticker and painted the yellow things on the legs :))


The tailbinder forms part of the backpack. I think its only used in the Waverider mode...

The wings also form part of the backpack and also used in the Waverider mode...

Beam Rifle
Snap, snap... you're ready to go...


I had some difficulty assembling the shield, though I can't remember where... :)) The shield doubles as the nose of the Waverider mode

Base Stand
The stand mimics the launch pad of Argama.

Completed Model
Mobile Suit Form

Waverider Mode

I am very happy with this model. It has some badass look into it. Although its articulation is limited (due to it being a transformable MS), I liked the poses that I can do with it. One last look at the Zeta Gundam...

Thanks for viewing!

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